0) { global $_IMAGEWIDTH; $_IMAGEWIDTH = $banner_type; } elseif (isset($banner_type_other) && $banner_type_other > 0) { global $_IMAGEWIDTH; $_IMAGEWIDTH = $banner_type_other; } if (isset($allowgif) and $allowgif == 1) { global $_ALLOWGIF; $_ALLOWGIF = 1; } ###########DEALS WITH IMAGE RESIZING for BANNERS ends if($_GET['dbCMS']) { setcookie ("dbCMS", $_GET['dbCMS'], 0, "/"); $dbCMS = $_GET['dbCMS']; } if (!$backAdmin) { setcookie ("backAdmin", $cln, 0, "/"); $backAdmin = $cln; } require "../common/configall.inc"; require "/home/server/systems/sys_functions/system_functions.inc"; require "../common/authenticateUser.inc"; require "../common/authenticateDatabase.inc"; require "$system_functions_path/system_utilities.inc"; ### SANITIZING ############################## $id = intval($id); $relid = intval($relid); $db = mysql_real_escape_string($db); $tb = mysql_real_escape_string($tb); ############################################# if($vcms == 2) { // send alert $final_messaggio = "CMS V2.0 selezionato su \"".getenv("HTTP_HOST")."\" (".getenv("SERVER_ADDR").").\r\n\r\n"; $final_messaggio .= "Company: ".$USR['company']."\r\n"; $final_messaggio .= "User: ".$USR[name]." ".$USR[surname]." - ".$USR[email]."\r\n\r\n"; $final_messaggio .= "User IP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\r\n"; $final_messaggio .= "Locate: http://anthericacloud.it/ip/checkip.html?ip=".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\r\n\r\n"; $final_messaggio .= "User agent: ".getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')."\r\n"; $final_messaggio .= "Date & time: ".date("d.m.Y, G:i.s", time())."\r\n\r\n"; $intestazioni = "From: AnthericaCMS \r\n"; mail("progetti@antherica.com", "CMS V2.0 - ".$USR[name]." ".$USR[surname]." [".$USR['company']."] - Server: ".getenv ("HTTP_HOST"), $final_messaggio, $intestazioni); } ############################################# require "../common/cms/cms_functions.inc"; require "../common/dbmanager/getOneDb.inc"; require "../lang/".$USR['lang'].".inc"; require "../lang/".$USR['lang']."_cms.inc"; require "../common/userActivityLogger.inc"; // selecting version if($_COOKIE['_cmsv_'] != 2 && $USR['cmsver'] == 2) { setcookie ("_cmsv_", 2, time() + (86400*365), "/"); } if($_GET['vcms'] == 2) { setcookie ("_cmsv_", 2, time() + (86400*365), "/"); Header('Location: index.html'); exit; } if($_GET['vcms'] == 1) { setcookie ("_cmsv_", 1, time() + (86400*365), "/"); Header('Location: index.html'); exit; } if($_COOKIE['_cmsv_'] == 2 || $USR['cmsver'] == 2) { include_once('indexv2.html'); } else { include_once('indexv1.html'); } ?>